November 2019 Update

ERI December Seminar Speaker

Oded GurantzWe are thrilled to bring out our next speaker in the ERI seminar series, Oded Gurantz, assistant professor from the Harry S. Truman School of Public Affairs at the University of Missouri. Dr. Gurantz studies gaps in college enrollment and completion for historically underrepresented students. His talk, Documenting their Decisions: How Undocumented Students Enroll and Persist in College, will be held from 3:30-4:30 p.m. on December 5, in the Engineering Colloquia Room (Engineering Hall 2430). He also will be presenting a workshop, You Can’t Point Fingers at Data: Cross-Agency Collaboration and Shared Data from the Community Perspective, from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on December 6, in ALP 3700. This workshop will discuss elements of successful research-practitioner partnerships to improve education, and focus on his collaboration between the San Francisco Unified School District and the City College of San Francisco to improve the high school to college transition.

If you are interested in attending the talk or workshop, please RSVP here.

ERI Mini Grant Call for Proposals

We are excited to release our 2019-20 call for proposals. Proposals will fall into one of two types:

  • Research proposal (up to $30k): This type of proposed work will examine a research question related to higher education or activities happening on the UCI campus. It is expected that proposals will have a scholarly background/theoretical framework to describe the compelling nature of the topic being studied, how it will be studied, and what the expected implications and findings will be.
  • Implementation proposal (up to $15k): This type of proposed work will focus on implementing an activity or program related to higher education or UCI. Intervention proposals are expected to be developed using best practices and include desired program outcomes. Although research will not be the primary focus of these proposals, it is expected that the interventions are based in the literature to give an indication of why it will be successful.

A brief letter of intent is due on or before 5 p.m. on Monday, December 2. The ERI will provide feedback on the LOI to guide the creation of a full proposal due February 3, 2020. Submission of a full proposal requires the submission of a letter of intent. More information including formatting of the letter of intent and the full proposal can be found on our website.

ERI Mini Grant Recipient Updates

Qian Du, assistant professor of teaching in Academic English, and Sei Lee, English department lecturer, will be presenting their work, titled “Multilingual Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Effectiveness in University EAP Courses” at the 2020 American Association of Applied Linguistics. From student evaluation forms and interviews, they found that, (1) instructors who focus more on form than content were perceived as ineffective and their teaching style affected students’ perceptions of the overall classroom environment and (2) an instructor’s demonstrated willingness to acknowledge students’ multilingual background as an asset rather an a deficit played an equally important role as an instructor’s content knowledge on English academic literacy.


Penelope Collins, associate professor of education, published an article, titled “The utility of infographics in L2 writing classes: A practical strategy to scaffold writing development.” In the TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) journal. Her group explored the impact of infographics into writing curricula for second language learners as a means to both support the writing development of multilingual students and scaffold the cognitive demands these students face while composing. The article can be found here.

For more information about the Education Research Initiative, visit