Teaching-Focused Faculty

Teaching-Focused Faculty in Research-Intensive Universities: Builders of Internal Capacity for Educational Change

Brian K. Sato, Annie S. Ditta, Kameryn Denaro, Jeff Maloy, Meaghan McMurran, Kem Saichaie, Mike Wilton

Exploring the Nexus of Teaching and Research Productivity in a Research-Intensive University among STEM Faculty

Authors: Anna Kye, Brian Sato, Kameryn Denaro

Instructional Influencers: Teaching Professors as Potential Departmental Change Agents in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Authors: Mike Wilton, Jeffrey Maloy, Laura Beaster-Jones, Brian K. Sato, Stanley M. Lo
Daniel Z. Grunspan

Published version: DOI

Reimagining the Role of Teaching-Focused Faculty in Research-Intensive Universities: The Evolution of Scholarly Expectations and Departmental Influence

Authors: Alex R. Paine, Mike Wilton, Sabrina M. Solanki, Marina Ellefson, Julie E. Ferguson, Stanley M. Lo, Brian K. Sato

Teaching-Focused Faculty: The Supports, Structures, and Policies that Relate to Their Perceptions of Influence on Their Colleagues’ Teaching

Authors: Meaghan McMurran, Sabrina Solanki, Peter McPartlan, Brian Sato

Understanding the Roles of Professors of Teaching in Departmental and Institutional Networks about Teaching

Authors: Daniel Z. Grunspan, Brian K. Sato, Qi Cui, Stanley M. Lo

Beyond Pragmatism: Internal and External Impacts of Hiring Professors of Teaching at Research-Intensive Universities

Authors: Ashley N. Harlow, Natascha T. Buswell, Stanley M. Lo, Brian K. Sato

Published version: DOI

The Disciplinary Differences in the Characteristics and Effects of Non-Tenure-Track Faculty

Authors: Di Xu, Florence Xiaotao Ran

Published version: DOI